Thursday, August 27, 2015

For crying out loud..

I was added to a group on Facebook from a friend, for inspiration and uplifting. It's a safe place where people can post their thoughts and revelations, quotes, Bible verses, and positive media videos and articles.

I have been reading through and one that was recently posted, was a video of a Gospel singer on a late night television show. The song that she beautifully belted was about the proof of God in her life and the victory that she has achieved by calling on His name and trusting in his provisions. It is a powerful and joyous song and it was on a major television network. Amazing.. It got me thinking about my relationship with the Lord and where my victories lay.

I took some time out of my day for some guided reflection. I started looking through verses and I was lead to a few that kept referencing "seeking the Lord", "calling out to Him", and "throwing ourselves into His arms".
Why is it so important for us to call out to Him and seek Him in all things? Is He not omnipotent and present, wanting what is best for us? Couldn't he just take care of things so we could just spend our time praising Him?

The short answer: Because we are human.

I related it to my human relationship with my parents. They want what is best for me, try to be as present as they can, drop everything to help when I am in need. They long to hear about my day, to be apart of my life, to still be an anchor for me, and in many cases want to share their activities and thoughts with me, laugh together and feel that special connection.  But, how do I respond to that? Do I praise them for their love and support? Well, I try. I try to call every day. I try to remember to include them in events and plan to get together with him. But I am flawed and I forget  and I let myself get busy.

But the Lord is so much bigger than that and He deserves so much more than my pitiful "tries". A running theme with the verses that I found was that He uses those times that we cry out to Him to show that He is still there, that He is just within earshot all the time. He wants so desperately for us to call out to him and throw ourselves into His arms that it makes His day when we do, and He treasures our tiny hearts. He wants to be our hero, deliverer and Savior, and the best way that we will recognize Him as that, is when we acknowledge His presence and cry out for His peace. In those quiet moments when we feel alone or start to become overwhelmed by this great big world, we talk to Him and His response is an overwhelming peace with the small, still voice of reassurance that simply says "Here I am."

Just as children cry out to their parents in the middle of the night because of nightmare, or you search a crowd for a familiar face and a smile of reassurance, our heart seeks the Lord for that gentle wink and nod. As if to say, "Keep going, you're doing fine. I'm right here when you need me." 

That is why I love my God.. That is where my strength comes from.. 

Katie Beth

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