Monday, August 12, 2013

Change is good...

This is the week of new starts and new beginnings, and I will be thankful for the opportunities that lay ahead.

Many people are getting back into the back-to-school swing of things and you can feeel the buzz of anticipation and potential in the air!

The Viking and I both got a haircut over the weekend and I feel so much lighter! My hair grows very long, strong, and straight. (And yes, I do realize what a blessing that is) It's not particularly thick, but with such long hair, it gets heavy and hot in these Florida summers. My work schedule was not conducive to blow drying and styling so just about every day I had it thrown up in a bun. I had about 4 inches cut, layered, and bang-ified and it's amazing what that will do! The Viking's hair was styled and cut back, and pampered which always is calming to the soul. I am so blessed to have a husband that will go to the hair salon with me (or the nail salon, or get massages- not afraid of losing a man card that one!) because it makes planning so much easier. I will have to post pictures of our new dos!

My schedule at work has changed back today, to a normal 8-5 pm Monday- Friday and that is definitely making me feel normal. The Viking's schedule has switched to a similar schedule as well, which is fantastic because it means that we can carpool again!! Oh how I have missed our morning talks and prayers. It makes my mood better, I'm calmer, and it saves us money because we can use my more gas-efficient SUV. Plus, there is just something wonderful and nostalgic (think about those special times that Mom or Dad picked you up after school) about getting out of work and seeing the Viking waiting for me in the parking lot.

I will be starting the endeavor of doing research for going back to school. Graduate school that is. A personal aspiration of mine that I am very much looking forward to- the nerd in me has been missing my study times. (Really? Did I just say that I miss studying? What is wrong with me?)

I love this verse from Romans, because one of my biggest struggles is remembering to be joyful in the hope of the Lord. It is one of those rare times in life where everything is going well; there is health on both sides of my family, there is love- always with some unwanted conflict, but love non-the-less, and there is hope. Even with the good things, we must be faithful in prayer, because the Lord is with us through all seasons of life and He wants to share in our joyous times, just as much as He wants to be the shoulder we cry on during our afflictions.

An adventure awaits and all I have to do is take the first step! So here it goes... :)

Katie Beth

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